Dom. Rep.

Five Reasons to Choose Craig Arnold and
XyloWeb to Develop Your Web Site

  1. Business History: I have a long history in the corporate and retail worlds.  You will find many web developers who started in Information Technology, and are now trying to learn how business works.  I have always been a 'super-user', but my experience is rooted in the real business world, not cyber-tech.
  2. Appropriate Use of Technology: I am very careful to choose web site elements that are supported by most browsers in use today.  For example, for most business applications, I believe it is unwise to expect users to download a non-standard plug-in to view a web site.  In addition, this keeps development costs down.
  3. Certification: I am a Certified Internet Webmaster, which assures you that I have been trained and tested on a broad array of internet skills.
  4. Personal Service: Since I do most (or all) of the work myself, you can be confident that the project we discuss will be the same as the final result.
  5. Integrated Service: Since I will take your project from start to finish, you will not have to worry about getting caught between two people who are pointing fingers at the other.  I am responsible; I will make sure it is right.

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