
Trip to Dominican Republic (January 2006)

History of Santo Domingo

East gate outside the Catedral de Santo Domingo

The east gate outside the Catedral de Santo Domingo (a.k.a. Catedral Basilica Menor de Santa Maria).

Parque Colón (Columbus Park)

The front of the Catedral de Santo Domingo, looking through the Parque Colón (Columbus Park; the main square in Zona Colonial). This park is a meeting place for locals, plus a good place to find an official guide to take you on a walking tour of the area. Christopher Columbus 'discovered' America in 1492, including San Salvador, Cuba, and Hispaniola (the island containing the Dominican Republic).

Lucinda next to a statue of Cristoval Colón (Christopher Columbus)

Lucinda next to a statue of Cristoval Colón (Christopher Columbus; not shown) in the main square. The woman on the statue is a Taino indian maiden who, according to legend, was the first native woman to learn Spanish. She apparently was in love with Cristoval Colón, but was later executed because the Spanish were afraid she would betray them.

Plaque outside Hospital San Nicolas

A plaque outside Hospital San Nicolas. The hospital was built in 1503, and survived earthquakes, hurricanes, Drake's invasion, and was virtually intact until 1911 when it was devastated by a hurricane.

Arch of Hospital San Nicolas

Craig in the arch (seen in the center of the previous picture) of Hospital San Nicolas.

Inside Hospital San Nicolas

Inside the hospital. The floor plan follows the pattern of a Latin Cross.

See the wood door on the right in this picture? I was surprised to find that there is a family living inside. (Click for another view of where the family lives.)

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